I recently discovered by observing Josie, a tip for when our 2 year old refuses to hold my hand at important times, such as in directing, helping him move along when our time is limited, or otherwise. At this young they tend to wander. I'm sure for most parent's this has already been discovered or may seem intuitive. For whatever reason it did not for me. But, we've found it helpful to walk beside them and gently place a hand as a guide at the rear of their heads. Much less intrusive than knees in the back (
which I'm embarrassingly resorted to) or pulling along unwillingly. I feel that this is a win-win. It allows the child to assert themselves to their preference, but still giving room for guidance. You know, so they don't wander off to some distraction, or sit there in a pout. I've found it helpful in a variety of stubborn circumstances as well as simple corrections in direction. Hope it helps someone else like me, who had not yet thought of it.
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